
Come see what we're all about

Asia Pacific Quantity Surveying specialises and works exclusively in tax depreciation for investment properties. Every report is prepared and written by a qualified Quantity Surveyor with more than 20 years of expertise in the industry, guaranteeing that our clients receive an accurate and comprehensive schedule. We strive to provide personalised service so that property investors may gain the most out of their tax deductions.

Our Team

Our team consists of Quantity Surveyors with over 15-20 years of business and industry experience. APQS will complete physical site inspections by attending the property to ensure that there will be the greatest deductions as much as possible. However, our Quantity Surveyors are happy to work with photos, floor plans and checklists if an inspection is not possible. Our team works alongside individuals to provide quality service reports that can be tailored for our clients.

Industry Qualification

APQS are Quantity Surveyors identified by the Australian Tax Office as qualified professionals. We are registered with the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS). All reports follow the Australian Tax Office guidelines. APQS is also a registered tax agent under the Tax Practitioner Board (TPB).

Our Philosophy

Asia Pacific Quantity Surveying strives to ensure property investors obtain the most out of their tax deductions & provide quality and professional service to suit the individual needs of our clients at a competitive price.

Our Difference

Compliance: We provide reports in line with the Australian Tax Office Guidelines

Assurance: All inspections and tax reports are prepared by fully qualified Quantity Surveyors with many years of experience.

Timely: Reports are generally ready within 7-10 working days

Value: Our fee is 100% tax-deductible


reports done in the last 5 years  


CLAIMED up TO per year for a 2 bedder high-rise unit


years specialising in tax depreciation schedules


 professional people

What Asia Pacific Do?


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Improve your clients’ cash flows with APQS resources.

(Engage APQS to prepare a tax depreciation schedule which gives our clients a better cash flow)

When clients see their accountants for tax returns, clients need to obtain a tax depreciation schedule for their investment property. Accountants need the depreciation schedule to complete the client’s tax returns. That’s why accountants will engage with APQS to prepare the reports for them.

When real estate agents sell properties to the investors or rent properties on behalf of investors, real estate agents can inform the investors to obtain a tax depreciation schedule from APQS.

When a property developer builds a complex – he/she will need a tax depreciation schedule for the complex as a whole (not strata-titled) or individual units (strata-titled). The property developer will engage with APQS to prepare those schedules to complete his/her tax returns.

Mortgage brokers can offer tax depreciation schedules for their clients when they have a loan. This will assist their clients with better services.

Under the ATO’s regulation - accountants, real estate agents, solicitors, developers, property valuers or mortgage brokers are not qualified to prepare a tax depreciation schedule for investors. Only Quantity Surveyors are qualified to do so.

Let us help you!

Our skilled professionals are here to help you every step of the way. Making your life better is our priority. 

Our Clients

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